We offer complimentary consultations.
Please book in using the "appointments" link.
Looking to spread the cost of your treatment?
Click here to set up a direct debit.
Your information and data is secure with iBeautify
The new General Data Protection Regulation requires us to
advise you that the information you have provided us with when you registered with iBeautify is simply required to enable us to 1) contact you with appointment details about the bookings you may make with us, 2) for us to advise you of any special offers relevant to you 3) to provide you with reminders of upcoming appointments and billing information.
The information provided is for no other use and is not provided at any time to any other third party.
You will continue to have the opportunity to opt out of receiving any further special offers from us at any time. You can do this by emailing us at info@iBeautify.co.uk
If we have not heard from you, we will assume you are happy to continue receiving communications from us. If you have any questions you are more than welcome to contact us at: info@iBeautify.co.uk